Rescue Me! Australian Terrier Australian Terrier Blog

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1,346,249 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Sharon Maguire     Date: July 2, 2017 _
     Nikki has been adopted by a loving family and is currently spending her summer in Mammoth Lakes. Thank you, Rescue Me, for helping her to find this forever home.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Australian Terrier Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Mark And Elizabeth Burling     Date: December 13, 2013 _
     Thank you for providing a life saving resource to rescue dogs and those who love them! Rescue Me! effectively targets both those seeking homes for these wonderful adoptable animals, and the big-hearted angels who are opening their homes to them! This Australian Terrier was adopted by a family who saw her posting on Rescue Me!, and were looking for an adult female companion for their boy Aussie! The family has reported that this was a match made in heaven!

Sender: Mary Helen Cook     Date: October 13, 2012 _
     Right after the initial 60 days, when I contacted you to re-submit my Australian Terrier ad for finding a good home, I received an email from an interested party. After information and more pictures were sent, a couple of phone calls, it was a win-win! My two beloved Australian Terriers, sister Josey (6 yrs old) and brother Lil Elmo (3 yrs old) were adopted by this family. They drove 6 hours one way to pick up the dogs and the whole family came along. They live on 8 acres and have another dog, 2 cats and 3 horses. It's a perfect match. A 10-year old boy for while Lil Elmo, a precious 4 year old girl for little Josey and their already trained pet Baby to be a role model for my two. The whole family loves dogs and is involved in taking care of the animals. It's uncanny how just the right family answered the ad. And it took nothing to get the ad up and running. Thank you so much. MH

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Australian Terrier Rescue

Sender: Eddie Molina     Date: July 22, 2012 _
     Hi, I posted Ashley on the website and on that day I began to get people interested in adopting her. She was adopted and has a great home. The site is incredibly easy to use and understand. Thank you Rescue Me for all your help. Eddie

Sender: Cindy Pierson     Date: April 12, 2012 _
     Our little Dunkin was adopted just hours from the time we posted him on Rescue Me! I know he's going to the right family and all is well. Thanks!!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Australian Terrier Rescue

Sender: Clare Nolan     Date: November 29, 2011 _
     Hello Jeff, Happily, after advertising Matilda on your site, we found a wonderful new home for her within a week! While we were very sad to see her go, we are sure that we have made the right decision and I know her new family will look after her very well. Her new owners are experienced Aussie Terrier owners, who love and understand the breed. I think Matilda will thoroughly enjoy her new home. Thanks for providing this great service. Clare

Rescue Me! has posted thousands of other stories in our breed-specific blogs from people whose animals we have helped:


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